patrickmurfin Dec 19, 2010 08:50
american revolution, christmas, benjamin franklin, poor richard's almanack, charles dickens, thomas paine, publishing
patrickmurfin Aug 04, 2010 07:04
new york, benjamin franklin, abolitionism, john peter zenger, freedom of the press
patrickmurfin Jul 31, 2010 06:53
benjamin franklin, science, philadelphia, oxygen, joseph priestley, thomas jefferson, unitarian, britain
patrickmurfin Jul 04, 2010 08:47
american revolution, benjamin franklin, john adams, independence day, thomas jefferson, continental congress, declaration of independence
patrickmurfin Jun 10, 2010 07:26
american revolution, benjamin franklin, science, electricity, philadelphia, invention
patrickmurfin Feb 20, 2010 07:40
benjamin franklin, constitution, united states postal service
patrickmurfin Jul 04, 2009 06:46
benjamin franklin, john adams, independence day, thomas jefferson, july 4th, declaration of independence
patrickmurfin Jun 13, 2009 20:02
barack obama, jesus, arctic, thomas jefferson, john adams, edgar allan poe, eugene v. debs, walt whitman, mark twain, william ellery channing, franklin roosevelt, martin luther king, benjamin franklin, constitution, joe hill, assasination, declaration of independence, mother jones
patrickmurfin Sep 25, 2008 14:46
george pullman, benjamin franklin, people's republic of china, woodstock square, know nothings, concord, patrick murfin, thor heyerdahl, peace and justice award, spain, land conservancy of mchenry county